Stephanie Banks
Student, AB Tech
“The more education you have, the more potential for a higher paying job.”
“When you go home at the end of the day, and you know that person was at peace, there was no pain, and that person had the highest quality of care that because you know it was your care given, that’s a big reward.”
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Stephanie Banks
Healthcare, StoriesStudent, AB Tech

Caleb Massey
Healthcare, StoriesBilling Coder and Nursing Student, Hot Springs Health Program

Lezlie Shuford-Clark
Healthcare, StoriesCMA, Hot Springs Health Program

Julie Applegate
Healthcare, StoriesPharmacist, Hot Springs Health Program

Heather Bauer
Healthcare, StoriesOutreach Manager, Home Instead

Robert “Chris” Eggleston BSN, RN, CCRN
Healthcare, StoriesInterim Nurse Manager MSICU, Mission Health